We’ve been busy with all things spring over the past few weeks!
We learned all about plants and what they need grow and we even got to plant our very own cress seeds. We were very surprised at how fast they grew!
Our Role Play area this month was The Garden Centre. We learned all about the different things they sell at a garden centre and had lots of fun pretending to be the shop assistant and customers.
In our Small World area, we looked after our hatching chicks and bunny rabbits and built shelters for them using blocks from our Construction area.
During messy play we got to get our hands dirty as we searched for letters hidden in the soil! We then used the letters to spell out words from our word families!
To top off our spring theme we made some yummy ‘bird nest’ rice krispie treats for our last day of term.
We’re looking forward to having lots more fun after our Easter break!