This afternoon we were delighted and privileged to be presented with the Branar Arts Flag!!
Marc Mac Lochlainn (Branar’s Artistic Director), presented the school with the award and with the help of the pupils he raised our new flag, a visible beacon that indicates our commitment to the importance of participation in the arts, both within and outside the classroom.
This initiative has given our school the unique opportunity to work with local artist, Alison Mac Cormaic, who’s commitment, energy and inspiration has been absolutely wonderful throughout this whole process towards achieving the award.
The children’s incredible project work (based on fish/underwater life – because of our location!) is on display in the school at the moment – be sure to take a look!
Alison and the children will now take the project a step further by creating a mural in our school playground – what an asset to our locality and community in Waterside!
We will keep you posted!!